Sinead Brady - A Career to Love - Talks Career Wellbeing In the Media

career planning May 25, 2023

Sinead, talks with about Career Wellbeing.

Since the launch of her first book, Total Reset, our Founder Sinéad, has been busy in the media. 

On a celebratory note, "Total Reset" entered the non-fiction charts at Number 6, rising to Number 5. Not alone this, since 2015 it is the third best selling careers book in Ireland, entering the charts after What Colour is your Parachute and Who Ate My Cheese!! This is a massive success for a book about careers, and one that Sinéad is extremely proud of! If you had asked her five years ago what success would look like for her and "A Career to Love" - authoring a best-selling book would have been in the dream category...

Much of the media conversation surrounding the book focused on helping readers to find work-life balance between their work, career, and personal life. "Work-Life Balance," a much-used term, is not that useful in trying to help us connect the different parts of our lives to one another... in fact, our attempts to find work-life balance, ironically, often leave us feeling less balanced. So, work-life balance is one of the seven myths relating to work and careers that are addressed in "Total Reset," and a different alternative is offered.

Part of that alternative is shared in an extract from Chapter 8 of the book that appeared in, which is free to access and read - it is linked here.

Sinéad also worked with on the Wellness Project, a collaboration with Meaghers Pharmacy, to talk about all things Career Wellbeing!

You can find the article here; it's called "Is Your Career on Course: How to Follow Your Own North Star."

If you are interested in joining the newly launch Total Career Reset the virtual course you can do so by following this link...The course is priced at €29 and for that you get lifetime access to the course. Total Reset, the book or the course, does not attempt to tell you what you should be when you grow up - instead both, using evidence based practice, teach you the skills you need to manage your career in the 21st century workplace, and to thrive, flourish and progress in life and in work...

Remember, design your own version of success because if you don't somebody else will and you might not like their version!!

Take care...


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